Ebbs Publications
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Wang Q, Ebbs S, Chen Y &
Ma X. 2013. Trans-generational impact of cerium oxide nanoparticles on tomato
plants. Metallomics, 5:
753-759. |
Shupert LA, Ebbs SD, Lawrence
J, Gibson DJ & Filip P. 2013. Dissolution
of copper and iron from automotive brake pad wear debris enhances growth and
accumulation by the invasive macrophyte Salvinia molesta
Mitchell. Chemosphere, 92(1):
45-51. |
Machingura M, Sidibe, A, Wood AJ, Ebbs SD. 2013. The β-cyanoalanine pathway is involved in the response to water deficit in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 63: 159-169. |
Alsup SE, Ebbs SD, Battaglia LL, Retzlaff WA. 2013. Green roof systems as sources or sinks influencing heavy metal concentrations in runoff. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 139: 502-508. |
Ueno D, Milner MJ, Yamaji N, Yokosho K, Koyama E, Zambrano MC, Kaskie M, Ebbs S, Kochian LV, Ma JF. 2011. Elevated expression of TcHMA3 plays a key role in the extreme Cd tolerance in a Cd-hyperaccumulating ecotype of Thlaspi caerulescens. The Plant Journal 66: 852-862. |
Ebbs SD, Kolev SD, Piccinin RCR, Woodrow IE, Baker AJM. 2011. Initial loss of cyanide, thiocyanate, and thiosulfate adjuvants following amendment to an oxidic gold ore. Minerals Engineering. 24: 1641-1643 |
Alsup SE, Ebbs SD, Battaglia
LL. and Retzlaff WA. 2011. Heavy metals in leachate from simulated
green roof systems. Ecological
Engineering. 37:1709-1717. |
Millar KDL, Ebbs SD, Gibson DJ, Wood AW, and Young BG. 2011. Evaluation
of physiological parameters for the prediction of seed yield and quality for
soybean (Glycine max) plants grown in the presence of weed competition. Plant
Biosystems. 15(1):1-12 |
Machingura M and Ebbs S. 2011
Increased b-cyanoalanine synthase and asparaginase
activity in nitrogen-deprived wheat exposed to cyanide. Journal of
Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 173:808-810 |
Nagarajan VK and Ebbs
2010. Arsenate reductase
activity in roots from the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata
utilizes both glutathione and dithiothreitol as reductants. Plant Biosystems. 14(4):
857-859 |
Ebbs SD, Kolev SD, Piccinin
RCR, Woodrow IE, and Baker AJM. 2010. Solubilization of heavy metals from
gold ore by adjuvants used during gold phytomining. Minerals
Engineering. 23:819-822. |
Ebbs S, Hatfield S, Nagarajan
V and Blaylock M. 2010. A comparison of the dietary arsenic
exposures from ingestion of contaminated soil and hyperaccumulating Pteris
ferns used in a residential phytoremediation project. International
Journal of Phytoremediation. 12(1):121-132. |
Ebbs SD, Kosma DK, Nielson
EH, Machingura M, Baker AJM and Woodrow IE. 2010. Nitrogen supply and cyanide
concentration influence the enrichment of nitrogen from cyanide in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). Plant, Cell & Environment. 33:1152-1160. |
Alsup S, Ebbs S and Retzlaff
W. 2010. The exchangeability and leachability of metals from select green
roof growth substrates. Urban
Ecosystems. 14:91-111. |
Ebbs S, Hatfield S, Nagarajan
V and Blaylock M. 2010. A comparison of the dietary arsenic exposures from
ingestion of contaminated soil and hyperaccumulating Pteris ferns used in a residential phytoremediation project. International Journal of Phytoremediation
12(1):121-132. |
Ebbs SD, Zambrano MC, Spiller
SM and Newville M. 2009. Cadmium sorption, influx, and efflux at the
mesophyll layer of leaves from ecotypes of the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens. New Phytologist 181(3):626 - 636. |
Ebbs S and Uchil S. 2008.
Cadmium and zinc induced chlorosis in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern] involves preferential loss of
chlorophyll b. Photosynthetica 46(1):49-55. |
Ebbs SD, Piccinin RCR,
Goodger JQD, Kolev SD, Woodrow IE and Baker AJM. 2008. Transport of
ferrocyanide by two eucalypt species and sorghum. International Journal of Phytoremediation 10(4):343-357. |
Sankaran RP and Ebbs SD. 2008. Transport of Cd and Zn to seeds of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern.) during specific stages of plant growth and development. Physiologia Plantarum. 132:69-78. |
Nagarajan VK and Ebbs SD. 2007. Transport of arsenite by the arsenic hyperaccumulating brake fern Pteris vittata is inhibited by monovalent silver. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 12(4):312-316. |
RCR, Ebbs SD, Reichman SM, Kolev SD, Woodrow IE, and Baker AJM. 2007. A
screen of some native Australian flora and exotic agricultural species for
their potential application in cyanide-induced phytoextraction of gold. Minerals
Engineering. 20:1327-1330 |
Sankaran RP and Ebbs SD. 2007. Cadmium accumulation in deer tongue grass (Panicum clandestinum L.) and potential for trophic transfer to microtine rodents. Environmental Pollution. 148(2):580-589. |
Alwerdt JA, Gibson DJ, Ebbs SD, and Wood AJ. 2006. Intraspecific interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana and the stomatal mutants tmm1-1 and sdd1-2. Biologia Plantarum. 50(2):205-209. |
Bushey JT, Ebbs SD, and Dzombak DA. 2006. Development of a plant uptake model for cyanide. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 8(1):25-43. |
Bushey JT, Small MJ, Dzombak DA, and Ebbs SD. 2006. Parameter estimation of a plant uptake model for cyanide: Application to hydroponic data. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 8(1):45-62. |
Corbit RM, Ebbs SD, King ML, and Murphy LL. 2006. The influence of lead and arsenite on the inhibition of human breast cancer MCF-7 cell proliferation by American ginseng root (Panax quinquefolius L.). Life Sciences. 78:1336–1340. |
Ebbs SD, Talbott J, and Sankaran R. 2006. Cultivation of garden vegetables in Peoria pool sediments from the Illinois River: A case study in trace element accumulation and dietary exposures. Environment International. 32(6):766-774. |
Corbit R, Ferreira J, Ebbs S, and Murphy L. 2005. Simplified extraction of ginsenosides from American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.) for high-performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet analysis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 53:9867-9873. |
Ebbs SD, Bushey JT, Bond BS, Ghosh RS, and Dzombak DA. 2005. Cyanide Phytoremediation, in Cyanide in Water and Soil: Chemistry, Risk, and Management, D.A. Dzombak, R.S. Ghosh, and G.W. Wong-Chong, Eds. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. pp. 479-500. |
Ebbs SD, Wong-Chong GM, Bond BS, Bushey JT, and Neuhauser EF. 2005. Biological transformation of cyanide in water and soil, in Cyanide in Water and Soil: Chemistry, Risk, and Management, D.A. Dzombak, R.S. Ghosh, and G.W. Wong-Chong, Eds. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. pp. 93-122. |
Ghosh RS, Ebbs SD, Bushey JT, Neuhauser EF, and Wong-Chong GM. 2005. Cyanide cycle in nature, in Cyanide in Water and Soil: Chemistry, Risk, and Management, D.A. Dzombak, R.S. Ghosh, and G.W. Wong-Chong, Eds. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. pp. 225-236. |
Liu X, Qitang W, Ebbs S, and Banks MK. 2005. Phytoextraction of Zn and Cu from sewage sludge and impact on agronomic characteristics. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. 40(4):823-838. |
Wong-Chong GM, Ghosh RS, Bushey JT, Ebbs SD, and Neuhauser EF. 2005. Natural sources of cyanide, in Cyanide in Water and Soil: Chemistry, Risk, and Management, D.A. Dzombak, R.S. Ghosh, and G.W. Wong-Chong, Eds. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. pp. 25-40. |
Bushey JT, Ebbs SD, and Dzombak DA. 2004. Plant tissue extraction method for complexed and free cyanide. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 157(1-4):281-293. |
Ebbs SD. 2004. Biological degradation of cyanide compounds. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 15(3):231-236. |
Kosma DK, Long JA, and Ebbs SD. 2004. Cadmium bioaccumulation in yellow foxtail (Setaria glauca L. P. Beauv.): Impact on seed head morphology. American Journal of Undergraduate Research. 3:9-14. |
Samiotakis M and Ebbs SD. 2004. Possible evidence for transport of an iron cyanide complex by plants. Environmental Pollution. 127:169-173. |
Ebbs SD, Bushey J, Poston S, Kosma D, Samiotakis M, and Dzombak D. 2003. Transport and metabolism of free cyanide and iron cyanide complexes by willow. Plant, Cell, and Environment. 26(9):1467-1478. |
Fuhrmann M, Lasat MM, Ebbs SD, Cornish J, and Kochian LV. 2003. Uptake and release of 137Cs by five plant species as influenced by soil amendments in field experiments. Journal of Environmental Quality. 32:2272-2279. |
Ebbs S, Lau I, Ahner B, and Kochian L. 2002. Phytochelatin synthesis is not responsible for Cd tolerance in the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens (J. & C. Presl). Planta. 214(4):635-640. |
Ebbs SD. 2002. Plant tolerance mechanisms for inorganic contaminants of relevance to phytoremediation, in Biochemical and Molecular Responses of Plants to the Environment, A. Wood, Editor. Research Signpost: Trivandrum, India. pp. 57-68. |
Fuhrmann M, Lasat MM, Ebbs SD, Kochian LV, and Cornish J. 2002. Uptake of cesium-137 and strontium-90 from contaminated soil by three plant species: Application to phytoremediation. Journal of Environmental Quality. 31:904-909. |
Ebbs SD, Brady DJ, Norvell WA, and Kochian LV. 2001. Uranium speciation, plant uptake, and phytoremediation. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management. 5:130-135. |
Ebbs SD and Weinstein LH. 2001. Alteration of selenium transport and volatilization in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) by arsenic. Journal of Plant Physiology. 158:1231-1233. |
Ebbs SD, Kochian LV, Lasat MM, Pence NS, and Jiang T. 2000. An integrated investigation of the phytoremediation of heavy metal and radionuclide contaminated soil: From the laboratory to the field., in Bioremediation of Contaminated Soils, D.L. Wise, et al., Eds. Marcel Dekker: New York. pp. 745-769. |
Lasat MM, Pence NS, Garvin DF, Ebbs SD, and Kochian LV. 2000. Molecular physiology of zinc transport in the Zn hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens. Journal of Experimental Botany. 51(342):71-79. |
Pence NS, Larsen PB, Ebbs SD, Letham DLD, Lasat MM, Garvin DF, Eide D, and Kochian LV. 2000. The molecular physiology of heavy metal transport in the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America. 97(9):4956-4960. |
Ebbs SD, Brady DJ, and Kochian LV. 1998. Role of uranium speciation in the uptake and translocation of uranium by plants. Journal of Experimental Botany. 49(324):1183-1190. |
Ebbs SD and Kochian LV. 1998. Phytoextraction of zinc by oat (Avena sativa), barley (Hordeum vulgare), and Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Environmental Science and Technology. 32(6):802-806. |
Ebbs SD, Norvell WA, and Kochian LV. 1998. The effect of acidification and chelating agents on the solubilization of uranium from contaminated soil. Journal of Environmental Quality. 27:1486-1494. |
Lasat MM, Fuhrmann M, Ebbs SD, Cornish JE, and Kochian LV. 1998. Phytoremediation of a radiocesium-contaminated soil: Evaluation of cesium-137 bioaccumulation in the shoots of three plant species. Journal of Environmental Quality. 27(1):165-169. |
Ebbs S, Norvell W, and Kochian L. 1997. Increasing the phytoextraction of Zn and U through the application of soil amendments to contaminated soil, in Radical biology: advances and perspectives on the function of plant roots, H. Flores, J. Lynch, and D. Eissenstat, Eds. American Society of Plant Biologists: Rockville, MD. pp. 491-493. |
Ebbs SD and Kochian LV. 1997. Toxicity of zinc and copper to Brassica species: Implications for phytoremediation. Journal of Environmental Quality. 26(3):776-781. |
Ebbs SD, Lasat MM, Brady DJ, Cornish J, Gordon R, and Kochian LV. 1997. Phytoextraction of cadmium and zinc from a contaminated soil. Journal of Environmental Quality. 26(5):1424-1430. |
Ebbs SD, Lasat MM, Kochian LV, Cornish J, Huddleston G, and Fuhrmann M. 1997. Phytoremediation of radionuclide contaminated soil- Field, greenhouse, and laboratory studies, in Phytoremediation, C.A. Thibeault and L.M. Savage, Eds. International Business Communications: Southborough, MA. pp. 213-235. |
Published Abstracts and
Proceedings (*Peer-reviewed)
Retzlaff W, Ebbs S, Alsup S, Woods E, Jost V, Luckett K. 2008. What is that
running off of my green roof? Proceedings Sixth Annual Greening Rooftops for
Sustainable Communities Conference, Awards, and Trade Show. April 30 – May 2,
Baltimore, MD. |
Ebbs SD, Bushey JT, Dzombak DA. 2002.
Phytoremediation of Iron Cyanide Complexes in Soil-Water Systems. Soil
and Sediment Contamination.
11:458. |
Bushey JT, Ebbs SD, Dzombak DA. 2002. Phytoremediation of Ferro- and potassium
cyanide in groundwater with willows. In Proceedings of the Symposium on
Remediation of Soils and Groundwater, WEFTEC 2002. Water Environment Federation, Alexandria,
VA. |
Ebbs SD, Norvell WA,
Kochian LV. 1997. Increasing the phytoextraction of Zn and U
through the application of soil amendments to contaminated soil. In
HE Flores, et al. eds. Radical Biology: Advances and Perspectives
on the Function of Plant Roots. American Society of Plant Physiologists:
Rockville, MD. pp. 491-493. |
Lasat MM, Brady DJ, Ebbs SD and Kochian LV. 1995. Screening for plants to phytoremediate heavy metal-contaminated
and radionuclide-contaminated soils. Plant
Physiology 108(2):94. |
*Ebbs, SD. 1990.
Patterns of sexual dimorphism in a population of house sparrows (Passer
domesticus). The Sigma Zetan. 56:58-64. |
Creative Contributions
Retzlaff W, Morgan S, Ebbs S, Celik S. 2011. "Digging into green." Professional Roofing, October, 30-36. |
Ebbs SD.
2008. Study Guide and
Laboratory Manual for General Biology Online,
Southern Illinois University Carbondale. |
Ebbs SD.
2008. PowerPoint Lecture
Outlines to accompany Hopkins, WG and Hüner NPA. Plant Physiology, 4th
ed. J.P. Wiley and Sons: Hoboken, NJ. |
Ebbs SD.
2007. PowerPoint Lecture
Outlines to accompany Mader, SS. Essentials of Biology. McGraw-Hill: Dubuque, IA. |
SIUC / Plant Biology / Faculty/ Stephen Ebbs
URL: http://www.neckers.siu.edu/plant-biology/Faculty/ebbs/index_files/pubs.htm
Last updated: 30-Jun-13 / sde